Experimenting with middle-side modifications

With Infor M3, there are server-side modifications, client-side modifications, and the unexplored middle-side modifications. I will experiment with servlet filters for the M3 UI Adapter.

Modification tiers

There are several options to modify M3 functionality:

  • Server-side modifications are M3 Java mods developed with MAK; they propagate to all tiers, including M3 API, but they are often avoided due to the maintenance nightmare during M3 upgrades, and they are banned altogether from Infor CloudSuite multi-tenant. There are also Custom lists made with CMS010 which are great, they are simply configured by power users without requiring any programming, and they survive M3 upgrades.
  • Client-side modifications for Smart Office are Smart Office scripts in JScript.NET, Smart Office SDK features, applications and MForms extensions in C#, Smart Office Mashups in XAML, and Personalizations with wizards. They do not affect M3 upgrades but they apply only to Smart Office. And client-side modifications for H5 Client are H5 Client scripts in JavaScript, and web mashups converted from XAML to HTML5. Likewise, they do not affect M3 upgrades but they apply only to H5 Client.
  • Middle-side modifications are servlet filters for the M3 UI Adapter. They propagate to all user interfaces – Smart Office AND H5 Client – but this is unexplored and perilous. In the old days, IBrix lived in this tier.

M3 UI Adapter

The M3 UI Adapter (MUA), formerly known as M3 Net Extension (MNE), is the J2EE middleware that talks the M3 Business Engine protocol (MEX?) and serves the user interfaces. It was written mostly single-handedly by norpe. It is a simple and elegant architecture that runs As Fast As Fucking Possible (TM) and that is as robust as The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger [1]. The facade servlet is MvxMCSvt. All the userids/passwords, all the commands, for all interactive programs, for all users, go thru here. It produces an XML response that Smart Office and H5 Client utilize to render the panels. The XML includes the options, the lists, the columns, the rows, the textboxes, the buttons, the positioning, the panel sequence, the keys, the captions, the help, the group boxes, the data, etc.

For example, starting CRS610/B involves:

The following creates a list with columns:

import com.intentia.mc.metadata.view.ListColumn;
import com.intentia.mc.metadata.view.ListView;

ListView listView = new ListView();
ListColumn listColumn = new ListColumn();
listColumn.setCaption(new Caption());
listColumn.setName("col" + Integer.toString(columnCount));
listView.addFilterField(posField, listColumn);
listView.setListColumns((ListColumn[])listColumns.toArray(new ListColumn[0]));

Here is an excerpt of the XML response for CRS610/B that shows the list columns and a row of data:


This experiment involves adding a servlet filter to MvxMCSvt to transform the XML response. Unfortunately, MNE is a one-way function that produces XML in a StringBuffer, but that cannot conversely parse the XML back into its data structures. Thus, we have to transform the XML ourselves. I will not make any technical recommendations for this because it is an experiment. You can refer to the existing MNE filters for examples on how to use the XML Pull Parser (xpp3- that is included in MNE. And you can use com.intentia.mc.util.CstXMLNames for the XML tag names.

To create a servlet filter:

javac -cp servlet-api-2.5.jar;mne-app- TestFilter.java

package net.company.your;

import java.io.IOException;
import javax.servlet.Filter;
import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import com.intentia.mc.util.Logger;

public class TestFilter implements Filter {

    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TestFilter.class);

    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {}

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Hello, World");
        chain.doFilter(request, response);

    public void destroy() {}


Add the servlet filter to the MNE deployment descriptor at D:\Infor\LifeCycle\host\grid\XYZ\grids\XYZ\applications\M3_UI_Adapter\webapps\mne\WEB-INF\web.xml:


Then, reload the M3UIAdapterModule in the Infor Grid. This will destroy the UI sessions, and users will have to logout and logon M3 again.

Optionally, set the log level of the servlet filter to DEBUG.


MvxMCSvt is the single point of entry. If you fuck it up, it will affect all users, all programs, on all user interfaces. So this experiment is currently a Frankenstein idea that would require a valid business case, a solid design, and great software developers to make it into production.

Also, changes to the web.xml file will be overriden with a next software update.


Is this idea worth pursuing? Is this another crazy idea? What do you think?

Published by


ex- M3 Technical Consultant

3 thoughts on “Experimenting with middle-side modifications”

  1. Sounds like a really interesting experiment. However, I would doubt there would be very much practical use as most companies would not want to take the risk and Infor will no doubt very quickly add to their support contract to exclude work of this nature.


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