Mashup quality control #4

In the previous post about my Mashup quality control tool for Infor Smart Office Mashups, I used the Smart Office API to list the Mashups and their XAML files; today I will load the XAML files and run my predicate rules.


Mashup files are packed with ZIP compression. The Smart Office API has methods to unpack the XAML files with System.IO.Packaging, and to get their stream of bytes so we can load them with System.Xml.XmlDocument:

The Smart Office Mashup SDK documentation does not have much useful information, but I show it anyway:

Source code

Here is the source code to run a predicate rule on each XAML file of each Mashup; for illustration purposes, this example will list the <m3:ListPanel> controls that are missing the property IsListHeaderVisible, but you can replace this rule with whatever rule you wish:

 import System;
 import System.IO;
 import System.Xml;
 import Mango.UI.Services.Mashup;
 import Mango.UI.Services.Mashup.Internal;
 package MForms.JScript {
     class Test {
         public function Init(element: Object, args: Object, controller : Object, debug : Object) {
             var mashups /*IList<FileInfo>*/ = PackageHelper.GetSharedMashupList();
             for (var mashup: FileInfo in mashups) {
                 var baseUri: Uri = UriHelper.CreateBaseUri(new Uri(mashup.Name, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
                 var manifest: Manifest = PackageHelper.GetManifest(mashup);
                 var list /*IList<FileInformation>*/ = manifest.CreateFileInformationList();
                 for (var information: FileInformation in list) {
                     if (information.MimeType == Defines.MimeTypeXAML) {
                         var relativeUri: String = information.Path;
                         var stream: Stream = PackageHelper.GetStream(baseUri, new Uri(relativeUri, UriKind.Relative));
                         var document: XmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
                         var nsmanager: XmlNamespaceManager = new XmlNamespaceManager(document.NameTable);
                         nsmanager.AddNamespace("m3", "clr-namespace:MForms.Mashup;assembly=MForms");
                         var nodes: XmlNodeList = document.SelectNodes("//m3:ListPanel[not(@IsListHeaderVisible=\"True\")]", nsmanager);
                         if (nodes.Count == 0) {
                             debug.WriteLine("\t" + relativeUri + " PASSED");
                         } else {
                             debug.WriteLine("\t" + relativeUri);
                             for (var e: XmlElement in nodes) {
                                 debug.WriteLine("\t\t" + e.Attributes["Name"].Value + " FAILED");

It was inspired by:

Note: For the namespace, I should use the fields NamespacePrefix and NamespaceUri, or even better the field NamespaceManager, from MForms.Mashup.MashupUtil, but they are internal; I may use Reflection next time.


In my case, the result is the list of <m3:ListPanel> controls and whether they PASSED or FAILED the predicate rule:

For the metrics:

  • Number of Mashups: 13 (7 FAILED, 54% error)
  • Number of XAML files: 178 (40 FAILED, 29% error)
  • Number of <m3:ListPanel>: 347 (115 FAILED, 33% error)

In other words, with this tool I was able to quickly scan about 200 files, covering over half of the Mashups, and find errors in a third of the <m3:ListPanel>. I would not have been able to do the same manually so fast with such accuracy.

Future work

There is more work to be done. Next time I will explore Mango.UI.Services.Mashup.Internal.MashupNameScope.CreateInstance. Stay tuned.

That’s it.

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ex- M3 Technical Consultant

13 thoughts on “Mashup quality control #4”

    1. Hi Len. I don’t think it’s possible to do mathematical operations directly in XAML. But the Infor team (Karin and norpe) has created converters which do simple operations. Maybe one of the converters will suit you. There are samples in the Mashups Designer Help menu. There is documentation in the Smart Office SDK. And the disassembled source code in the DLLs. Worst case you can develop your own converter in C#. –Thibaud


  1. Hi Thibuad, thanks for your feedback. I have another question. I was trying to bookmark in Mashup, but the problem is that field is not visible in the panel. In OIS110, the field WEARLO is only visible depending on the order type.


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