Developing H5 Client scripts – Part 1

The day came I have to develop a script for Infor M3 H5 Client with M3 API calls for a customer. This post will add to my previous post, to Scott’s three previous posts, and to Karin’s previous post.


Scripts for H5 Client are written in the JavaScript programming language (ECMAScript). Scripts for Infor Smart Office are written in the JScript.NET programming language. Programs for M3 are written in the Java programming language. Despite the similarities, the three languages are different. Smart Office scripts will NOT execute in H5 Client; you will have to re-write most of the code and be familiar with functional programming, jQuery, Deferred, Promises, etc.; it is like back in the days of IBrix.


Here is the M3 H5 Development Guide:


Here are some tips to convert a Smart Office script to an H5 Client script:

Example of a minimal script for Smart Office:

package MForms.JScript {
	class Test {
		public function Init(element: Object, args: Object, controller : Object, debug : Object) {
			debug.WriteLine('Hello, World!');

The equivalent script for H5 Client:

var Test = new function () {
	this.Init = function (scriptArgs) {
		console.log('Hello, World!');

Various ways to get a field and its value compared to norpe’s guide for Smart Office:

var controller = scriptArgs.controller;
var host = controller.ParentWindow;
ScriptUtil.FindChild($, 'WRCUNM')[0]
ScriptUtil.FindChild(host, 'WRCUNM')[0]

UPDATE 2017-06-06: According to the H5 Development Guide, the above is not the recommended API, but controller.GetContentElement().GetElement("WRCUNM") instead.

Example to call an M3 API in H5 script:

ScriptUtil.ApiRequest('/execute/CRS610MI/LstByNumber', result => console.log(result), (error, message) => console.log([error, message]))

UPDATE 2017-06-06: According to the H5 Development Guide, the above is not the recommended API, but MIService.Current.execute|executeRequest instead, but I get error ‘MIService is not defined’; perhaps I do not have the latest version of H5 Client.

Chrome Developer tools

Use the Google Chrome Developer tools:

Use it for the list of global variables, code completion, type reflection, console, dynamic execution, debugger, network monitor, DOM, styles:

Pause execution to introspect global variables:

UPDATE 2017-06-06: In the JavaScript console, you can get the current controller with getActiveController() or MainController.Current.Instances.host_X where X is the controller number.

Administrative tool

Use the administrative tool to import/export H5 scripts:

UPDATE 2017-06-06: To update a script, simply re-import it, click Yes to override, and refresh the M3 panel with Actions > Refresh-F5; there is no cache thus no need to add the version number in the script file name unlike Smart Office.


Attach the script to the panel as usual at Tools > Personalize > Scripts:

Select Actions > Refresh-F5 to load the script:

Use the JavaScript debugger statement in your script to pause execution and invoke the Chrome debugger:

Call M3 API, and refer to my previous post:


That was a quick look at how to develop scripts for Infor M3 H5 Client including calls to M3 API.

Thanks to Scott Campbell of Potato IT for the first look.

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ex- M3 Technical Consultant

5 thoughts on “Developing H5 Client scripts – Part 1”

  1. FWIW there is an updated version for under M3 -> M3 Core -> M3 Core Infrastructure and Technology -> 13.4
    “M3 H5 Development Guide”

    At first parse, it’s more comprehensive than previous versions of the document.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. hi ,
    using web Mashup , we unable to perform update transaction . therefore I am going to call H5 scrpt(javascript) function using web mashup . please give your idea , how to call javascript using web mashup.

    thank you


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